Specifics of vitamin B12 preparation for production of feed mixtures based on biocenosis of bioreactors for wastewater treatment
    In the Russian Federation, imported vitamins are used in the production of compound feeds, which puts compound feed producers in a dependent position on foreign producers. Therefore, the development of domestic production of feed vitamins is a demanded and essential task, enabling to reduce this dependence and support the food security of the state.

    One of the possible sources of feed vitamin B12 may be excessive activated sludge capable of producing it under aerobic conditions in the process of its metabolism.

    Application of known and mastered technologies of biosynthesis of this vitamin does not exclude further search for the most rational ways of its production in artificially created conditions, which makes this search urgent at present moment. An alternative method of vitamin B12 production will help to significantly reduce its production cost, as well as reduce dependence on foreign producers.
    At present, the ECOSTECH R&D Center is conducting research work with activated sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants in order to develop a process chart for the production of feed vitamin B12 based on activated sludge and to determine the conditions of its production.
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